Sunday, June 27, 2010

Something New

Round 5 - Fall 2034 - LaQuest Beach Elementary
Next update
Principal: Lorelai Ellison
Grade 1: Kayden Carr, Gallagher Newson; Grade 2: Imara Coners, Imani Coners, Kali Knowles; Grade 4: Christa Brown, Chloe Gonzalez

 Chloe thought her new teacher was really pretty. She was also a little scary. She didn't know why she felt that way, she just did! But she was nice so far. And this school was better than the last one she was at. So she was happy......well, she wasn't happy about having all this work on the first day!

 Christa Brown was one of the reasons that Lorelai had been so nervous about taking this job. She was the daughter of Mayor Brown and in her experience, the children of political figures had a sense of entitlement. But Christa was nothing like that. She was a very quiet and reserved girl. Lorelai hoped that she would open up and make some friends while she was here.
 While the 4th graders worked on their lessons, the 2nd graders were up in the creativity room working on an art of their choice. Kali Knowles loved to dance and instantly took to the ballet barr. Imara Coners decided to paint while her twin sister Imani fiddled with the violin. From the noise that Lorelai heard coming from the room, Imani had a ways to go before she was concert ready!
 Down in the Pre-K room, 1st graders Gallagher Newson and Kayden Carr work together at the activity table. The boys seem to get along pretty well which is a relief for Lorelai. She didn't want to have to break up any fights!
 But her fears were unfounded as all the kids got along really well. It was pretty apparent that Kayden and Gallagher were going to become fast friends!
 Imani and Kali were also getting along really well. Kali told her of the great summer she had on Twikki Island and about how fun it had been at Twikki World.
 All in all, it was a great day at LaQuest Beach Elementary.......and Lorelai hoped that they were all great days!

* This was a pretty slow update, but I'm trying to find my stride with playing these schools. This was more just to show which kids are attending.

* I've decided that whenever someone in my family bin comes into contact with some of my playables, they will be removed from the bin. At first I was going to make Gallagher and his family non-playable playables, but I think it would be kinda fun to play a house of teens and they will be added to the rotation this round and the teens of the house will attend East High School. The other kids will start at LBE next round. I didn't want to turn all those families into non-playable playables right away because whenever I want to add a new family to the hood, I don't have to worry about creating sims all the time.....I can just pull from the bin :)......I would have pulled instead of creating Lorelai and her husband, but I needed her to have the elf ears.


  1. That's a neat concept to use families from the bin. I deleted all the townies and bin families before I started populating my hood, so there are none in AV.

  2. Apple Valley - the last time I deleted the families in the bin, it caused issues so I just left them in this time. And those empty templates seem complicated to install so I'll just stick with this method. As they interact with my playables I'll add them in. They count in the character files anyway so I figure why not lol

  3. That's weird... I deleted all of the families in the bin for Ardania too... I haven't had any problems yet. I like your idea though, it's pretty neat.

    The school looked nice though, It's good to see them all interacting and making friends :)

  4. Imani and Kali are so cute! It would be cool if they stayed close friends as they got older.

    I haven't got any bin families either - empty templates! The Newsoms always looked quite daunting to me - 2 teens, 2 kids and 2 toddlers with only $20,000. The main reason I never played them in another hood was because I never found a place to fit them all!

  5. Tessa - There were glitches after a while and I read on alot of forums that it's not good to delete the bin families. It was one of the reasons I restarted my hood. I hope all the kids keep interacting in positives ways! So far everyone seems to get along :)

    Carla - I hope they do stay friends, I can see them hanging out together. I thought about doing the empty templates but it wasn't as simple as just dropping in some files and I was afraid I would mess it up lol. The Newsons are quite daunting, but I just let them rent a house that Keisha Knowles owns. It has 3 bedrooms so they're still kinda smushed up. I look forward to see how their personalities mesh together.

  6. Ahh, yea, deleting them in-game causes issues, but if you delete all your character files, then no issues.


Thanks so much for reading and commenting! Awesomeness :)